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Therapeutic Uses of Ashwaganda (Withania somnifera)

Introduction << To use herbs, or to apply effectively any form of therapy, it is necessary to know the unique constitution of the individual, as well as the specific nature of the disease. Western medicine, and to some extent western herbalism, lacks this science of individual constitution. The same disease may occur in different constitutions, … Continue reading Therapeutic Uses of Ashwaganda (Withania somnifera)

Designed to inform or mislead?

Dear friend, This post is a response to the German ZDF Zoom program, entitled <<Anthroposophie — gut oder gefährlich?>>, which I saw recently. It is one of several programs in the documentary series: <<Am Puls Deutschlands mit Jochen Breyer>>. Initially intended to address a German-speaking audience, I have translated it into English since many of … Continue reading Designed to inform or mislead?

Einleuchtend oder irreführend?

Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser, Dieses Schreiben ist eine Reaktion auf die ZDF-Sendung Zoom mit dem Titel << Anthroposophie – gut oder gefährlich? >>, die ich vorgestern Abend gesehen habe. Es ist eine von mehreren Sendungen der Doku-Serie: <<Am Puls Deutschlands mit Jochen Breyer>>. Für den informierten Zuschauer ist diese Sendung äußerst irreführend und “blitzgefährlich”. Wie … Continue reading Einleuchtend oder irreführend?

“The Mystery of Matter” by Lili Kolisko

“The tragedy of materialism is that it does not comprehend matter.” Dr. Rudolf Steiner << These grave words were once uttered by Dr. Steiner, and they made an indelible impression on me. Materialism, which is only concerned with matter, is unable to comprehend matter. What is matter? Matter is spirit that has become visible, condensed, … Continue reading “The Mystery of Matter” by Lili Kolisko

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